I used to chalk up my eye irritation to dry air in the winter, too much a/c in the car during the summer, spring allergies, bad mascara, or simply being tired. But when I looked more into it, it all pointed to the same thing: Ocular Rosacea. It's an associated part of facial Rosacea many people don't even know about, or realize they have.
More Than Just Seasonal Eye Irritation
The first clue that my eye irritation was more than just seasonal or environmental troubles, came at my last ophthalmology visit for a routine eye exam. Per usual, the assistant had me lean back in the chair as she dropped 2 quick eye numbing drops in each eye. They stung so badly I could hardly stand it. She was surprised. They weren't supposed to sting like that. She said I must have really dry eyes. Hmmm. Dry eyes? I hadn't really considered it, but maybe that's why my contact lenses felt so irritating and stuck to my eyes like an angry suction cup.
Symptoms of Ocular Rosacea
It turns out, around 60% of people surveyed with Rosacea, also have Ocular Rosacea.Symptoms of Ocular Rosacea may include:
• Redness
• Feeling like there's something in your eye (gritty sensation)
• Stinging
• Watery
• Recurrent sty's, cysts or swelling of the eyelid
For people like me, who wear contacts, it can be extra irritating because the natural moisture that keeps the contacts "floating" on your eyes is diminished. It is as uncomfortable as it sounds, but it doesn't mean you still can't wear contacts.
Easing eye Irritation Associated with Rosacea
I discussed my dry eyes and discomfort with my ophthalmologist who told me that plugged meibomian glands are most likely to blame. Have you ever noticed little bumps that sometimes form around the base of your eye lid? Maybe you're prone to sty's or eye swelling? Maybe your eyes are a little goopy in the morning? These meibomian glands are what secretes a fatty substance that keeps our eyes moist, so when they are plugged, it results in dry eyes and can lead to further irritation.
5 Ophthalmologist Tips to Soothe Eye Irritation from DrynessOcular Rosacea:
1. Remove eye make-up every night
Recommended products:My celebrity make-up artist friend, who also has Rosacea, recommends using eye wash pads to keep her eyes happy;
OR I use a gentle eye-make-up remover Neutrogena Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover, which is usually around $6 + Fairface Darks (the best soft, black washcloths - no stains!)
2. Wash your eyes gently with baby shampoo
Recommended products:I like this 3 pack travel size Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo so you can easily take it with you
3. Use a soft, warm compress on your eyes. This helps to steam/unplug the plugged ducts.
Recommended products:Fairface Delicate Washcloths are a perfect, soft compress. Just dip in warm to hot water (but not too hot), ring it out and lay it across your eyes to melt away the oils plugging your ducts. Repeat re-warming the cloth for up to 10 minutes.
4. Use lubricating eye drops (especially important for contact lens wearers)
Recommended products:For every day dryness prevention my Ophthalmologist recommended: Systane Eye Drops (*according to directions, if wearing contact lenses, remove them before using these drops and wait at least 10 minutes before re-inserting them; and repeat throughout the day)
For contact lens wearers: Refresh Plus Lubricant Eye Drops before you put in your contacts AND Blink for contacts (I LOVE these. I put a drop in my eyes first and then on the contact when I put it in. It helps to repeat this during the day before my eyes get too dry)
5. Clean soft contact lenses with hydrogen peroxide systems to remove contact lens debris and wear eye glasses when possible to give your eyes a rest from contacts.
Recommended products:I use Clear Care Plus HydraGlyde Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution
NEVER put the cleaner directly in your eye. Just use it with the cleaning system. It works wonders on removing protein build-up and makes contact lens wearing, even with Rosacea, that much better.
National Rosacea Society
Licensed Dermatologist
Review of Opthamology
If you have Ocular Rosacea (or think you might) and have any tips you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below.
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